*patricia s. Patricia from Cal Tech's page is packed! Theoretical physics fun (fascinating stuff if you can follow it!), political stands, tributes to Hole and TankGirl, and great info for women in science.

*donna m. Donna is a grad student at RPI working on all kinds of digital and multimedia art and music. Also find her academic, and non-academic writing.

*kate f. Kate's Worldwide Epistaxis has a really cool design, plus some of kate's photography, projects, and links.

*jolanda Jolanda works in the Communications Research Group, at the department of Computer Science, of the University of Nottingham as a research assistant. She's working on several projects all centering around computer-human interaction in virtual spaces.

*keri Keri muses on the opening to her page: "Ah, the web page... the electronic representation of one's intrinsic self. But the thought occurs... which is more real? The body as it creates the physical representation of the page, or the esoteric self that the 0's and 1's of bits and bytes present for the world to see? The physical, or the virtual? Or is there a difference at all? Does it matter?" Good question!

*shelley Shelley's Hompage contains links to some great spots on the Web! If you like movies, television, horror, vampires, humor, ufo's, and things that go bump in the night, this is the place for you.

*teresa b. Just Exactly What Does M.R.L.D.K.A.S.M.O.W. Mean? Find out on Teresa's Spun Silk page. A must for unicorn lovers!

*cheryl "No more Cosmo, Esquire, ExBf's, PTL. Just me, God, and some dark chocolate...." Cheryl's page is smart (whaddya expect from a Yalie?) and funny too. Find out what she loves and hates about men, among lots of other things.

*ann Ann's SassyFemme page "combines femininity with a touch of sassiness and attitude". And ya gotta love those lipstick icons.

*cindy s. Cindy's a junior at Vanderbilt University. She's really into computers and has built a wonderful collection of Women's issues links.

*michelle s. Michelle has created this page for herself, her husband, and their "son" PC. If you need any medical stuff this makes a good jumping off point-- and that's gotta be one of the best wedding portraits ever!

*dr. missy Missy (Dr. Missy to those who don't understand just what a NrrdGrrl is) teaches courses in telecommunications. Come along with Dr. Missy on a wild and woolly (buffalo herd?) job hunt across the nation.

*sara l. Come to Lichto's Land. Sara L. is 15 (and a half) and her pretty-darn-impressive page has pictures, links, humor, movies, etc.

*anne j. Take a look at Anne's lovingly created homepages dedicated to Grandmothers. They are kind of different, about living in balance, poetry, and other women's stuff. She wants to share them with others.

*kathryn l. This is the Web Home of Kathryn Ann Lively, Mercury Publishing Associate Editor and Evangelist, Keeper of the Sacred (yet Unofficial) "Frasier" Drinking Game, and All-Around Sleepless Person.

*jan n. Jan's a grad student in education currently studying instructional design and technology. She's ADHD (don't mention "deficit" - stupid concept) and likes it (a hunter among farmers). Check her page for links to other sites about ADD and ADHD. She does love the Web!

*emily and chris Okay, this is a stretch since Chris is a guy, but he wrote in and said Emily did the "vast majority" of the work- and it's all nrrdgrrl friendly--so Chris gets to be an honorary nrrdgrrl ;-)

*brandi w. Anyone who wants to talk to Brandi should feel free to. Especially if they like horror films or animation, or just want help with a web page.

*xrys "i found god in myself &i loved her/ i loved her fiercely" --Ntozake Shange

*emily An amazing collection of photos of mould! Who would have guessed just by looking at her?

*vicki Enter Vixen's den. See pic's of Vixen with hubby Reynard the Fox, and the adorable kits! This is a very sweet page from the Webmaster of Florida's Sundial Internet Service.

*margaret c. Margaret, the renegade librarian is out to debunk the "myth that librarians are all old ladies with hairbuns, brown cardigans, and sensible shoes."

*kerri s. Kerri says "I won't be offended if you call me a geek, but I might be if you call me "normal"..." Well, I dunno about Kerri, but there's definitely something odd about that cat!

*tweeny Have a look at friendly totoros, and see if you can figure out what it is.

*laura s. Laura is Chief Information Wrangler at Nerds for Hire, Inc. Check out the "Nerdly Fun" portion of her site for a discussion of the nature of Nerdliness. These guys are pros.

*andrea m. These are brightly colored pages filled with fun rants, ponderings, and information about the author. Also, links and music stuff.

*rita h. A collection of rants, a Bratmobile page, a Sassy tribute page, and a list of other obsessions.

